
connecting with people through artistic expression

Archive for the month “December, 2011”

30 days of drawing: day 21 “pie grande”

30 days of drawing: day 20 “helping hand”

30 days of drawing: day 19 “b”

oregon college of art and craft nominated sugarblast for the versatile blogger award- yea!

thank you so much kevin and the oregon college of art and craft library for nominating sugarblast for the versatile blogger award and thank you for your awesome blog it’s full of hidden treasures!

These are the rules for the Versatile Blog Awards:

  • Nominate 15 fellow bloggers.
  • Inform the bloggers of their nomination.
  • Share 7 random things about yourself.
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  • Add the Versatile Blog Award picture on your blog post.

here are the blogs i have chosen for this award- in no particular order:

  1. HeartYup
  2. Jordebot
  3. corinstedman
  5. dannybabooncameroon
  6. thesurfingphotog
  7. treebeerdstuff
  8. Of the Angels Designs
  9. Dark Pines Photo
  10. flounderfitness
  11. Solution forty-two
  12. Ruby and Wheaky
  13. Design Inspirations
  14. Lemon’s Tree
  15. My ZuriART

seven random things about me:

1. i always thought i was a dragon in chinese horoscope turns out i’m a rabbit.

2. i have unfinished tattoos under my t-shirt sleeves.

3. when i was 5 i accidentally shut my bedroom door on my pet conure.  it made me really sad.

4. i’m lactose intolerant.

5. i love ice-cream.

6. when i’m out walking i like to guess how many steps from one point to the other for that matter i like to count pretty much everything.

7. i have a beta fish- he’s 3

30 days of drawing: day 18 “purple people eater”

30 days of drawing: day 17 “p is for pink”

i see pink! our first born was brought into this world yesterday!

30 days of drawing: day 16 “satellite”

day 16th

30 days of drawing: day 15 “caperucita”

here is my sketch for day 15

30 days of drawing: day 14 “el perro y juan”

day 14

30 days of drawing: day 13 “la ofrenda #2”

day 13


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